Creative Coaching

encouraging your creative evolution

supercharge your business + sculpt your dreams.

Less than a third of UK small businesses are ran by women, and it’s no surprise to hear the lack of support available for female entrepreneurs. Last year, less than 2p of every £1 of UK equity funding went to all-female founders, and even beyond the financial, resources are still very much directed towards men.

Creative coaching is one of the many ways we support our clients so they continue to feel unstoppable regardless of where they’re at in their journeys. Our sessions are tailored to your business, values and goals, to equip you with the tools and mindset to show up creatively recharged, confident and ready to unleash your brilliance.

find out how we can help you ⚡️

Having a designated space to bounce around ideas and unlock creative opportunities for your business can make all the difference when you work alone or have a small team. Our coaching approach is less authoritative and more collaborative, like a partner in crime who edges you closer towards your goals and creative breakthroughs.

We have two types of sessions: The Sounding Board, best for more general creative coaching, and The Diving Board, which focuses more on branding.

how we’ve helped our clients:

✧ Brainstorming exciting campaigns and idea generation
✧ Deep diving into your branding so you can show up authentically
✧ Overcoming creative blocks and fighting your inner critic
✧ Customer journey mapping to upgrade your brand experience
✧ Guidance, goal setting and action plans for projects and launches
✧ Discovering your creative voice
✧ Embracing experimentation and consistent inspiration
✧ Navigating change and new directions
✧ Creative problem solving

Creative Coaching

the sounding board

The Sounding Board is one of the most popular Tielle Creative services. This session is entirely driven by you and what you’re looking to accomplish. We’ll work to ignite your creativity through collaborative discussion and exercises to get the juices flowing, allowing you to evolve concepts from blank canvases to bold masterpieces. Inspire, create, repeat.

  • ✧ 60 minute coaching session

    Example topics:

    ✧ Creator wellness checks

    ✧ Brainstorming and idea generation

    ✧ Overcoming creator’s block

    ✧ Creative problem solving

    ✧ Goal setting and action plans

    ✧ Finding inspiration and embracing experimentation, and more

    If you’re not sure which coaching package is best for your needs, get in touch.

  • £110 per session

    Multi-session bundles:
    £295 for 3 sessions
    £560 for 6 sessions

Creative Coaching

The Diving Board

The Diving Board is all about your branding. Similar to its sister The Sounding Board, we use our time together to, well, dive into your business and what makes it tick, focusing on branding specifically.

We touch on any (or all) of the necessary branding points to shape your business, and get you to a stage where your business finds total clarity and you find brand peace.

  • ✧ 90 minute coaching session

    Example topics:

    ✧ Customer journey mapping to maximise your brand experience

    ✧ Defining your brand personality and archetype

    ✧ Capturing your brand’s essence and values

    ✧ Determining your brand positioning and associations

    ✧ Discovering your creative voice, and more

    If you’re not sure which coaching package is best for your needs, get in touch.

  • £165 per session

    Multi-session bundles:
    £445 for 3 sessions
    £840 for 6 sessions

“Terri has been my go-to woman behind the scenes on more creative projects than I can count. Not only is she incredibly reliable, but she brings so many new and interesting ideas to every job that she's invaluable - and an amazing problem-solver! She is always the first person I call and I couldn't recommend working with her more.”