Helping you with everything but the kitchen sink.

Creative support goes way beyond building a website and designing collateral. It’s the little things that can make all the difference both customer facing and behind the scenes.

we’re like your favourite bra:
always supportive + here to give you a boost.

introducing the wingwoman.

Born from the ashes of our previous Creative Wingman Virtual Assistance, The Wingwoman is a revived on-demand time block based service that is exclusively reserved for our Kitchen Sink expertise.

The Wingwoman is a great asset to women in business who need support with any of the following:

✧ Copy editing and proofreading

✧ Copywriting, blogging and social media caption creation

✧ Email marketing and canned email creation

✧ CRM and workflow support

Flexible and always available for all the small things, there’s a Wingwoman for every woman and every kind of business.







build an unapologetic brand that’s ready to stand in its power.

Your dream business is knocking. Girl, it’s time to answer the door.